Herta Müller

Herta Müller

Herta Müller in 2007
Born 17 August 1953 (1953-08-17) (age 57)
Niţchidorf, Timiş County, Romania
Occupation Writer
Nationality German, Romanian
Period late 20th–early 21st century
Notable work(s) The Land of Green Plums, Everything I Possess I Carry With Me
Notable award(s) Nobel Prize in Literature
Spouse(s) Richard Wagner

Herta Müller (born 17 August 1953) is a Romanian-born German Nobel Prize-winning novelist, poet and essayist noted for her works depicting the effects of violence, cruelty and terror, usually in the setting of Communist Romania under the repressive Nicolae Ceauşescu regime which she experienced herself. Many of her works are told from the viewpoint of the German minority in Romania and are also a depiction of the modern history of the Germans in the Banat, and more broadly, Transylvania. Her much acclaimed 2009 novel Everything I Possess I Carry With Me portrays the deportation of Romania's German minority to Stalinist Soviet Gulags during the Soviet occupation of Romania for use as German forced labor.

Müller has been an internationally well-known author since the early 1990s, and her works have been translated into more than 20 languages.[2][3] She has received over 20 awards, including the 1994 Kleist Prize, the 1995 Aristeion Prize, the 1998 International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award and the 2009 Franz Werfel Human Rights Award. On 8 October 2009 it was announced that she had been awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in Literature.


Early life

Müller was born in Niţchidorf (German: Nitzkydorf), up to the 1980s a German-speaking village in the Romanian Banat in western Romania. The daughter of Banat Swabian Catholic [1] farmers, her family was part of Romania's German minority. Her grandfather had been a wealthy farmer and merchant, but his property was confiscated by the communist regime. Her father had been a member of the Waffen SS during World War II, and earned a living as a truck driver in Communist Romania[4]. In 1945 her mother, then aged 17, was along with 100,000 others of the German minority deported to forced labor camps in the Soviet Union, from which she was released in 1950.[4][5][6][7] Her native language is German; only in grammar school did she learn Romanian.[8] She was a student of German studies and Romanian literature at the Timişoara University.

In 1976, Müller began working as a translator for an engineering factory, but was dismissed in 1979 for her refusal to cooperate with the Securitate, the Communist regime's secret police. After her dismissal she initially earned a living by teaching kindergarten and giving private German lessons.


Her first book, Niederungen (Nadirs), was published in Romania in German in 1982, in a state-censored version. The book was about a child's view of the German-cultural Banat.[9] Müller was a member of Aktionsgruppe Banat, a group of German-speaking writers in Romania who supported freedom of speech over the censorship they faced under Ceauşescu's government, and her works, including The Land of Green Plums, deal with these issues.[10][11] Radu Tinu, the Securitate officer in charge of her case, denies that she ever suffered any persecutions,[12] a claim that is opposed by Müller's own version of her (ongoing) persecution in an article in the German weekly Die Zeit in July 2009.[13]

After being refused permission to emigrate to West Germany in 1985, Müller was finally allowed to leave along with her husband, novelist Richard Wagner, in 1987, and they settled in West Berlin, where they still live.[14] In the following years she accepted lectureships at universities in Germany and abroad. Müller was elected to membership in the German Academy for Writing and Poetry in 1995, and other honorary positions followed. In 1997 she withdrew from the PEN centre of Germany in protest of its merger with the former German Democratic Republic branch. In July 2008, Müller sent a critical open letter to Horia-Roman Patapievici, president of the Romanian Cultural Institute in reaction to the moral and financial support given by the institute to two former informants of the Securitate participating at the Romanian-German Summer School.[15]

In 2009, her novel Everything I Possess I Carry With Me (German: Atemschaukel) was nominated for the German Book Prize (Deutscher Buchpreis) but the prize was won by Kathrin Schmidt's book Du stirbst nicht. In this book, Müller describes the journey of a young man to a gulag in the Soviet Union as an example of the fate of the German population in Transylvania after World War II. It was inspired by the experience of poet Oskar Pastior, whose oral memories she had made notes of, but also by what happened to her own mother.

Critic Denis Scheck described visiting Müller at her home in Berlin and seeing that her working desk contained a drawer full of single letters cut from a newspaper she had entirely destroyed. Realising that she used the letters "to recombine her own literary texts", he felt he had "entered the workshop of a true poet".[16]

2009 Awards

The Swedish Academy awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in Literature to Müller "who, with the concentration of poetry and the frankness of prose, depicts the landscape of the dispossessed.".[4] The spokesman of the Swedish Academy compared Müllers style and her use of German as a minority language with Franz Kafka and pointed out the influence of Kafka on Müller. The award coincided with the 20th anniversary of the fall of communism. Michael Krüger, head of Müller's publishing house, stated: "By giving the award to Herta Müller, who grew up in a German-speaking minority in Romania, the committee has recognized an author who refuses to let the inhumane side of life under communism be forgotten"[17]

She received the Franz Werfel Human Rights Award in the Frankfurt Paulskirche in November 2009, for her novel Everything I Possess I Carry With Me. The award was presented by Erika Steinbach. Ten survivors of Soviet concentration camps were present at the ceremony.[18]


Although Müller has not publicly spoken at length on specific people or books that have influenced her on a literary level, she has attributed her roots to other sources, the most prominent of these being her university studies in German and Romanian literature. When comparing the two languages, she noted that a simple concept such as a falling star can be interpreted so differently. "We’re not only speaking about different words, but about different worlds. [For example] Romanians see a falling star and say that someone has died, with the Germans you make a wish when you see the falling star." Müller also went on to say that Romanian folk music holds a special place in her heart. "When I first heard Maria Tanase she sounded incredible to me, it was for the first time that I really felt what folklore meant. Romanian folk music is connected to existence in a very meaningful way." [19]

Another strong source of influence has been Müller's husband, Richard Wagner. Their lives hold remarkable parallels: both grew up in Romania as members of the Banat Swabian ethnic group and enrolled in German and Romanian literary studies at Timişoara University. Upon graduating, they worked as German language teachers, and were members of Aktionsgruppe Banat, a literary society that fought for freedom of speech. Like his wife, Wagner is also a published novelist and essayist.

Müller's involvement with Aktionsgruppe Banat has also influenced the boldness with which she writes, despite the threats and trouble generated by the Romanian secret police. Although her books are fictional, they are based on real people and experiences. Her 1996 novel, The Land of Green Plums was written after the deaths of two friends, in which Müller suspected the involvement of the secret police, and one of its characters was based on a close friend from Aktionsgruppe Banat.[20]


Müller signing one of her books in September 2009




Further reading

See also


  1. Literary influences of Herta Muller
  2. Literaturnobelpreis geht an Herta Müller | Kultur & Leben | Deutsche Welle | 08.10.2009. Dw-world.de. Retrieved on 2009-10-26.
  3. Goethe.de
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 "The Nobel Prize in Literature 2009". Nobelprize.org. http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/2009/. Retrieved 2009-10-08. 
  5. The Expulsion of 'German' Communities from Eastern Europe at the end of the Second World War, Steffen Prauser and Arfon Rees, European University Institute, Florense. HEC No. 2004/1 p.65. (See also Flight and expulsion of Germans from Romania during and after World War II)
  6. Interview: Herta Mueller On Growing Up In Ceausescu's Romania
  7. Mueller wins Nobel literary prize. BBC News. 8 October 2009.
  8. Daad.de, "wandel durch Austausch" - change by exchange. Retrieved on 2009-10-26.
  9. "Interview With Herta Mueller". Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. http://www.rferl.org/content/Interview_With_Herta_Mueller/1847036.html. Retrieved 2009-10-08. 
  10. Nagorski, Andrew (2001), "Nightmare or Reality?(Review)", Newsweek International 
  11. "The Land of the Green Plums."", Quadrant 43 (6): 83, June 1999 
  12. Adevărul, November 18, 2009
  13. SignAndSight.com, Die Securitate ist noch im Dienst (engl. translated version: Securitate in all but name), Die Zeit No. 31/2009]
  14. Germany hails literature Nobel honor for Herta Mueller | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 08.10.2009. Dw-world.de (2009-05-26). Retrieved on 2009-10-26.
  15. EVZ.ro – Scandal românesc cu securişti, svastică şi sex, la Berlin şi New York
  16. BBC World Service, The Strand, Interview with Denis Scheck about Herta Müller, Thursday 8 October 2009
  17. Herta Mueller wins 2009 Nobel literature prize - Yahoo! News
  18. Speech by Erika Steinbach on occasion of the award of the Franz Werfel Human Rights Award
  19. Herta Müller on writing in German and Romanian
  20. Herta Müller and the Aktionsgruppe Banat
  21. Google Books Retrieved on 7 October 2009
  22. On Google Books Retrieved on 7 October 2009
  23. Review Retrieved on 7 October 2009
  24. Everything I Possess I Carry With Me, (New books in German).
  25. Zentrum gegen Vertreibungen. Z-g-v.de (2002-01-17). Retrieved on 2009-10-26.
This article incorporates information from the revision as of July 28, 2006 of the equivalent article on the German Wikipedia.

External links